This site will not discriminate against any comments as long as they conform to the standards as follows:
-- All comments must use grammatically and mechanically correct English.
-- All content from secondary sources must be documented following the MLA guidelines.
-- Obscene or profane language is inappropriate.
-- Racist, hateful, or bigoted comments will be deleted at the discretion of the administrator.
-- Advertisements and solicitations will be deleted, absolutely.
-- Personal information is inappropriate.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Getting Started

Welcome to "Writing about Literature."  This site was established for students enrolled in Professor Coursey's literature courses, especially any students enrolled in sections of ENC 1102, but everyone is invited to post a comment as time passes by.  Just follow the rules.

Everyone should remember that this blog is open to the internet world, so we want to project the best image of ourselves with our best possible writing.

This blog has been updated 07/28/2019, and most anything posted prior to the update has been deleted.